The Garden of Happiness series explores the complex relationship between the representation of women’s bodies in physical space, Islamic texts, Farsi poetry, and gender politics. Through the use of abstraction and figuration, I am able to freely represent women’s sexuality, desire, and pleasure in a way that would not normally be allowed after the 14th century. Translating such texts allows me to depict cultural symbolism, iconography, and imagined space where women’s bodies are not neutral and censored.
The Garden of Happiness. 2019 – gouache paint, brown paper, and Afghan embroidered fabric.
Installation view. 2019 – gouache paint, brown paper, and Afghan embroidered fabric
Jannah #1. 2019 – Chiffon, polyester, cotton, gouache paint, brown paper, Afghan embroidered fabric, and found fabric– 120'' x 114''
Jannah #1 (detail). 2019 – Chiffon, polyester, cotton, gouache paint, brown paper, Afghan embroidered fabric, and found fabric– 120'' x 114''
Jannah #2. 2019 – Chiffon, polyester, cotton, brown paper, Afghan embroidered fabric, and found fabric – 126'' x 75.5''
Jannah #2 (detail). 2019 – Chiffon, polyester, cotton, brown paper, Afghan embroidered fabric, and found fabric – 126'' x 75.5''
Zhvandun: Life. 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 146" x 124"
When I Saw You. 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 108" x 72"
Strangled by your Love. 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 110" x 72"
Love with no Attachments. 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 134" x 96"
Unfold Your Own Myth. 2020 – Chiffon, cotton, polyester, satin, silk, printed fabrics, lace, suede, and found fabrics - 96'' x 78''
Unfold Your Own Myth (detail). 2020 – Chiffon, cotton, polyester, silk, printed fabrics, lace, suede, and found fabrics – 96’’ x 78’’
When I Remember Your Love. 2020 – Chiffon, cotton, polyester, silk, printed fabrics, lace, suede, and found fabrics – 96’’ x 78’’
When I Remember Your Love (detail). 2020 – Chiffon, cotton, polyester, silk, printed fabrics, lace, suede, and found fabrics – 96’’ x 78’’