Overview: Arayeshgah-e Bahar: Bahar, Beauty Parlor
While visiting Afghanistan in 2012, I had the opportunity to witness a few of my cousins getting married. I became fascinated with the salons they attended to decorate themselves for their wedding day—that is when I decided I needed to explore this scene further. I combined my memories of that visit with my interests in Afghan beauty standards and geopolitics into this salon scene. Women are seen congregating inside the beauty parlor while a figure with a camouflage uniform stands guard outside. Even though the salon space is freeing for women, the region's realities are still visible through this male chaperone.
Arayeshgah-e Bahar (Bahar, Beauty Parlor). 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 117" x 288"
Untitled (detail). 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 117" x 288"
Untitled (detail). 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 117" x 288"
Untitled (detail). 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 117" x 288"
Untitled (detail). 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 117" x 288"
Untitled (detail). 2019 – chiffon, cotton, suede, silk, denim, mesh-screen textile, shoelace, hanging wires, bamboo cord, printed paper image, and found fabrics – 117" x 288"